Friday, July 15, 2011

Planning is everything. New trip idea

Planning is everything! Mõtlesin täna, et kuhu siis puhkuse ajal minna. Ungarisse on muusikafestivalile pilet ostetud aga seoses tehniliste probleemidega ühel neiul (nimetame teda A.) me koos sinna minna ei saa. Sellest on küll kahju aga miskit pole teha.
Mõeldud tehtud.. natukene google mapsi ja plaan on väisata Ungari kõrval ka Austriat, Slovakkiat, Sloveeniat, Itaaliat (Veneetsia siit ma tulen), Šveitsi, Tšehhimaad (Praha) ja koju tagasi. Täpsemalt juba tulevikus.

Po angliskomu:)

Planning is everything. I was wondering today what to do with my vacation in august. Untill summer started i had a plan to visit Lithuania, Poland, Prague and Hungary (to attend in a one big music festival in Budapešt), but because my travelpartner (lets call her A.) from a land far far away :P had  some technical problems and due that this plan is not doable. I´m sad because of it but nothing to do. It wasn`t written in the stars. Never the less. I had some time today to plan my time and i came up with a plan. 15-20 minutes of google maps and basic idea and route is set. Plan covers Budapešt, Vienna (Austria), Slovakia (drive trough), Slovenia, Italy (Venice, Verona and Milan here i come!), Switzerland and Prague plus some other places.

I will reveal details when the plan is done and agreed with my travelmates.

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