Friday, August 05, 2011

Varsti / Soon

Niisiis.. nagu räägitud start pühapäeval kell 6 hommikul. Asjad pakin homme ära ilusti ja olen tubli. Nagu traditsiooniks on aastatega saanud on esimene peatus Laagri Statoilis. Sealt edasi on Pärnu juba.
Asjade pakkimisega pole ma veel alustanud aga homne päev on planeeritud selleks tegevuseks. So far so good:P.  Lisaks suutsin unustada oma fotoka mälukaardi täna tööle. See tuleb homme ära tuua kuna muidu ei saa kaameraga pilti ju teha:P.

Po angliskomu:)

So.. as i stated before, start will be 06:00 on sunday. I haven`t packed my things yet, but i will do it tomorrow (i have planned my time for that exercise). It has been a long tradition, that the first stop will be at Statoil's gas station on the border of Tallinn (every time i have done some trips by car we have stopped there). After that we are stopping in Pärnu. So far so good. I promised that i will keep blogging during the trip, i can`t promise that i will make an entry every day, but let`s see how things work out. Also i forgot my cameras memory card in the office today and i have to retrieve it tomorrow, otherwise.. no pictures for you dear.

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