Vahepeal on jälle natukene vett merre voolanud aga edasi pole väga palju asjad jõudnud. Hetkel on 3 inimest reisile kindlasti minemas ja neljas pole oma lõpliku vastust andnud. Korraldasin ka FB-s konkursi ja selle tulemusel laekus kaks avaldust, millest esimene kandideerija võttis peale pisokest mõtlemist oma kandidatuuri tagasi ja teine pole veel 100% öelnud jah.
Niipalju on paika saanud, et kütuse peale olen arvestanud keskmise kütte hinna järgi euroopas (ca 1,5 eurot) kuluks 600 eurot 5500 km. Sellega peaks välja tulema ilusti. Teemaksud 100-200 euro vahele, pean veel üle täpsustama. Varsti on aeg ka reisiseltskonnaga korra maha istuda ja asjad klaariks teha.
Po angliskomu:)
Some water has been spilled in to the sea.... Some things are on the same spot as they were a week ago. I had a contest in Facebook:P for finding a travelmate (4th member for our "team") and the result was 2 applications for the seat. First one resigned after some thinking and the second one hasn´t sayd 100% yes yet. I calculated an estimated cost for fuel, it was about 600 euros (average price for diesel in europe is 1,5 euros per liter). Road taxes should be about 100-200 euros maximum, i haven´t done proper homework yet. This or next week we have to get the "team" together and plan a littlebit.
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