Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vaikus enne tormi / Silence before the storm

Pole kahjuks midagi väga kirjutada olnud, pole tegelenud asjadega väga edasi. Hetkel ootame kutseid kongressile ja mina ootan rahalaeva, et piletid ära osta:P.
Seis selline, et edasi tagasi 2 inimest oleks ca 1100 Eurot lennukiga. Lähi kuu jooksul peab piletid ära ostma, muidu läheb jälle kallimaks. Elame näeme. Vaja veel kinnitust saada, et asi toimub, vastasel juhul on mais lihtsalt puhkus 2 nädalat ja augustis üks teine reis, mida vaikselt mõtlen ja loodan ning see on juba teises suunas:).

Po angliskomu :)

I´m sorry to disapoint everyone, but i haven`t had anything to write about :( .  At the moment we are waiting for invitations to the convention and i`m waiting for the money boat to buy the tickets:P.
Few days ago i checked the prices and 2 person there and back is about 1100 Euros. Tickets must be bought in months time, because they will be more expensive when i try to buy them month before the flight. We haven´t got 100% sureness that the adventure will take place, we need to get confirmation for it, otherwise i`m having 2 weeks vacation in may and an other adventure in august, that i´m thinking/hoping:) and that-one is to another direction:).

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